Oatmeal Dinner Roll

Benjamin Wong





Oatmeal 50 g
Milk 250 ml
Sugar 30 g
Salt 5 g


AP Flour 200 g
Yeast 5 g
Salt 5 g



  1. grind 50g of oatmeal in to fine powder with spice grinder/food processor
  2. mix the oatmeal with 40g sugar and 5g salt, and 125ml of milk in a pan
  3. cook the mixture into a thick paste with low heat, stir constantly with spatula, don't let it stick to the pan. (oat has a special protein that absorb even more water than wheat starch)
  4. add 125ml of milk to cool it down and mix
  5. Autolyse

  6. make sure it's cooled enough, and add 5g of yeast. and 200g AP flour
  7. mix until no lumps of flour
  8. cover and let it sit for an hour (this is for autolyse, it will make the dough easier to work with and save you some kneading time)
  9. Knead

  10. knead until the surface is shiny smooth (it won't be as smooth as normal bread dough because of the oat particles, but it should look like a balloon if you wrap it into a ball, the surface should not tear)
  11. add 30g soften/melted butter and incorporate into the dough (do not add butter before the kneading, it prevents gluten from forming)
  12. cover and put in a fridge overnight (this solidifies the butter and tightens the starch and make the dough dryer to touch.)
  13. Final Proof

  14. divide into 9 portions (should be roughly 59g each), keep everything dusted with flour, the dough is sticky. Keep wrapping the dough into itself to form a ball, do this until you can feel some tension on the surface of the ball.
  15. proof for 3 hours
  16. Bake

  17. put a bowl of water in the oven and preheat it to 350F
  18. melt 15g of butter and brush on top of the doughs
  19. bake for 25 minutes
  20. Let it cool down for the bread to re-absorb the moisture